If waxing or plucking hair isn’t working for you, consider laser hair removal. As one of the most-performed cosmetic treatments in the United States, laser hair removal can eliminate the growth of unwanted hair on several areas of your body.

Our professional aesthetic team at So Cal Body Institute in Chino, California, takes laser hair removal to the next level with Cynosure’s Vectus® Laser technology. And if you start your hair removal treatments now, you’ll be hair-free by summer.

A long-term solution that doesn’t damage skin

Not only is waxing and plucking body or facial hair painful and time-consuming, but it doesn’t stop hair from coming back. So you may spend a lot of time plucking or shaving unwanted hair only to see it grow back within months.

On the other hand, laser hair removal targets the source, which is the root of your hair follicle. It uses highly concentrated light beams that destroy the hair and the follicle, which reduces hair growth and eventually stops it from growing altogether.

Our team uses the Vectus Laser because it’s designed for comfort. The applicator contains a cooling plate that protects your skin and reduces irritation.

Laser hair removal is fast and effective

Laser hair removal is FDA-approved and it’s fast, effective, and focuses on eradicating hair while ensuring comfort.

Unlike standard laser applicators, the Vectus Laser uses a much larger applicator that can treat more hair in less time. And it doesn’t require treating the same areas multiple times in a single session.

With high precision and speed, laser hair removal can easily treat most areas of your body, including:

  • Chest and areolas
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Feet and toes
  • Hands
  • Arms and underarms
  • Bikini lines
  • Face, lips, and chin

You may experience some sensitivity after your procedure, but it’s typically minor and goes away within 24 hours.

What to expect after laser hair removal

After getting laser hair removal, it’s best to avoid heavy sun exposure to limit skin irritation. It’s common to have some swelling and redness after your treatment, but applying an ice pack can help with this.

Laser hair removal doesn’t remove hair right away, but over the next few days, the hairs start falling out.

Be beach ready in six treatments or less

Our team at So Cal Body Institute recommends six treatments to get the best results, but many patients experience permanent hair loss sooner.

Since hair grows in cycles, it’s best to continue your treatment to limit the amount of hair that grows back.

Ready to start your laser hair removal? Schedule your appointment at So Cal Body Institute by phone or book your consultation online today.

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